Events &

Become Beautiful, Successful And Rich With THE VIELD

It’s (as always) Corona’s fault, this page is still deserted.

We are planning some awesome events and you will be there – don’t you worry.

Meanwhile, Stay Hip And Informed by securing yourself a spot on our prestigious mailing list. And Share Your Ideas. We’re open to collaboration.

This is us, being sad about not having any events, yet.



DOS THE VIELD ist kein Zufallsprodukt sondern basiert auf einer simplen Rechnung Was können wir + was wollen wir

One Day In The Future


DOS THE VIELD ist kein Zufallsprodukt sondern basiert auf einer simplen Rechnung Was können wir + was wollen wir

„Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success.“


Henry Ford