The what?
Out Of The Box Into THE VIELD
Hi there, you’ve probably found us googling something like “Team Offsite Space” or “Team Retreat” That’s great. Google does work.
Were you expecting to find a hotel with nuts in the minibar, a useless shower cap, a conference room to chew over your innovation strategy huddled around a heavy table until your slot runs out? Well, we’re sorry to disappoint.
THE VIELD is not a hotel. We are, however, what you’ve secretly been waiting, if not longing for.
So what is THE VIELD then?
THE VIELD is all yours – 660 sqm of work- and living space all to yourself for the time of your stay.
The equipment, the space, and the surroundings – all included. Your time here is spent on your own terms in a space designed for the needs of a modern team.
Yes, your parents taught you the value of sharing but unlike your favorite shovel on the playground, you don’t have to hand anything over to the neighbor’s kid.
Best of all. You will have your own chef to prepare your meals for you, plus great coffee and snacks. We don’t want to brag but her cooking has been labeled “gault millau class” by Business Punk.
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What’s Our Secret?

Location, Location, Location
THE VIELD is located approximately 40 minutes outside the Berlin city sign just off the autobahn to Hamburg. We’re set in a small town called Vielitzsee (hence the spelling) very much off the beaten tracks. Our reasons for choosing a location an hour away from the city were not (just) the obvious perks of the countryside. We want you to take a trip, a journey, away from your everyday life, your set structures, and your habit zone. Nevertheless, we also needed high-speed internet and a train connection to Berlin nearby. We’re out of this world but we’re very much connected to it.

Space, Space, Space
We converted a barn into the ideal offsite space, walking the line between modern needs and old structures – the perfect setting for your team to get down to business.
Our space and equipment are curated to serve the needs of a workshop-infused team day: whiteboards, moderation equipment, beamer, digital boards, prototyping material, etc.
Don’t waste your time looking for a mahagoni conference table to furiously bump your fists on to make a point.

Room, Room, Room
We’re situated in the beautiful countryside of Ostprignitz Ruppin, right by a lake (in fact, there are another 18 lakes within a radius of 15 km.), surrounded by woods and fields (*wink, wink). Make room for a walk, meditation, taking a dip in the lake, or just breathing in the fresh smell of grazing galloways down the cobblestoned path.
The outside areas of THE VIELD itself offer retreat- and workspace in the midst of a blooming, somewhat organized wilderness. Find room in the shades, in the sun, by the fire, and under a star-flooded sky.
“We interrupt this program to annoy you and make things generally more irritating.”
Monthy Python
The Deal
Form Follows User
“A space for teams to step outside their box, not fall back into toxic habits, push the pause button and focus – not just on the future but on the present” This was our goal. So we did research, tested, and iterated our plans to fit our respective users. You!
We’re not catering to what people want but offer an environment modern teamwork needs by making conscious design decisions, eliminating distractions and gadgety nonsense (believe us, resisting some is harder than you think).
We base our constant iteration and learning process on data, research, and feedback, trying to be flexible but never random and keeping our minds open.
Trust us and try doing the same.

Let Us
Entertain You!
You have to evolve, be innovative, lean and
whatever else your investors, bosses or the zeitgeist expects you to?
No worries, we got you covered!
Disruption à la Carte

Imagine a full-body workup. It hurts, it’s embarrassing, feels a bit funky and in the end, you’re super relieved you did it: now, this is basically what we do for your Company at our special VIELD Treatment.
Our own method is based on a mix of Cultural Analytics, Story Development, Schema Therapy (Psychology) as well as a good dose of Common Sense.
We focus on Radical Acceptance, Aware Communication, Systemic Realism, and Empowered Actionability.
This is, we admit, a maybe compelling but also quite b.s. assembly of buzzwords (some of which we made up). BUT if you talk to us – it does boil down to a pretty cool and useful passing of your time.
Events & Offers
Much More Than Just a Pretty Face

We do Fireside Chats, Talks, and whatever else we might come up with. If you want to get your mind blown while eating great food, meeting others all the while listening to the bees hum or the fire crackle in the fireplace – well this is as good as it gets. You’re too busy? Well that is part of the problem and all the more reason to come.

Creating Experiences, Learning Journeys, Boutique Conferences, Workshops to get you off your chairs, out of your box, and into a participatory format is our kind of gentle torture.
Learn new things, challenge yourself, create something and build new connections in every sense of the word.

If you’re a spontaneous team or like to be, then you might want to check out our last-minute offers for your very own VIELD- Trip. Nothing is for free in this world but if you’re ready to pack your toothbrush, kiss your loved ones goodbye and hop on whatever is the vehicle of your choice, you could be conducting the perfect team workshop for a very friendly price in a matter of days.
Test &
Show You What We’ve Got
To give you the best experience at THE VIELD, we have designed the Space as an Interactive Showroom. Most of the furniture and equipment are based on partnerships with great companies.
Some of the products you’ll be using at THE VIELD are not even on the market, yet. Others are designs we came up with ourselves based on our research and experiences.
Get a Quote or Get in Contact
You are ready to get a quote for your Offsite at THE VIELD? Or do you just feel the desire to drop us a line. In any case, You should!

“We never did this before.
So it’s bound to be good”
Pippi Longstocking